Expedition Ecovillage

Hi! Welcome to my expedition along ecovillages around the world! On this site you can go to the Blogposts tab to read and learn about the ecovillages I visited and my observations and insights along the way. In the Directory tab you can find an overview of the blogs and essays I wrote, to navigate easily to an article that interests you.

If you want to know why I travel along ecovillages and which value I see in spreading the knowledge and experience gained in this movement, read my blog about that here.

My name is Ilonka and I am a sustainability transitions researcher gone rogue to gain experience and gather wisdom from living ecovillage life and being part of a community. Ecovillages are all unique and therefor hard to describe, but in general they are communities of people wishing to live in harmony with nature and each other. What does that mean? Well; trying to produce your own food and energy, building your own house with ecological, local materials, treating your own waste (water) and collaborating along values of inclusion and transparancy. Ecovillages can also be traditonal villages.

I belief ecovillages and sustainable communities around the world are form of positive activism, demonstrating what a sustainable future could look like. They can inspire and provide hope, as well as be a good source for practical experience for all facets of sustainable life together on earth. Therefor I admire ecovillage initiatives and wish to learn from them.

Go through the menu to discover my journey and read my blogposts. Under the tab Blogposts, I write about the ecovillage I visit and explain different aspects to the community life I come across. Every now and then I post a longer essay, in which I analyze the insights I have gained on different facets to ecovillages in relation to the global transition needed towards sustainability. In the tab directory you can find a categorized overview of all the blogs and essays I have written so far.

I recently gave an interview about my travels to reBLOOM, you can watch the interview here: https://www.rebloom.news/interviews/ilonka-talks-eco-villages

I hope you too get inspired anyway from looking around this webpage and I wish you a wonderful day!

Hug, ilonka